Johnoi Shaw is a Jamaican National that came here in his early teens and ended up in care. He obtained his Bachelor’s of Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience and aspires to get a degree in nursing. After experiencing and witnessing discrimination because his of sexual orientation, he decided to use his experiences to help advocate for better services for minority and LGBTQIA youth in foster care. Johnoi has also participated in the National Foster Youth Institute's Shadow Day in Washington DC. Further, Johnoi has engaged in advocacy work in his home state of New York which includes raising the age of criminal responsibility to 18 years of age and fought against injustices that unfairly punishes youth and prevents them from receiving the necessary rehabilitation services that would allow them to reintegrate back into society. In addition to being a social justice advocate, Johnoi works with a nonprofit organiszation that manages city funded contracts that provides HIV prevention and treatment services to minority communities. 

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
Council Member - Past