Kristianna is a multi-generation Idahoan, currently residing in Boise. She is 26 years old and uses she/her pronouns.
Kristianna has a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy and will complete her Master of Social Work once funds are secured. She currently works as a Respitory Therapist at her local hospital. She is married to the most supportive partner ever and together they raise two puppies and a kitty. They enjoy many of the best parts of the great Idaho outdoors, from hiking to tennis, jet skiing to snowboarding, golfing to floating the river and more.
Kristianna has given back to the foster care community, serving several programs and organizations. She has held leadership positions within the Idaho Foster Youth Advisory Board, where she was able to be a part of composing and advocating for the Idaho Youth in Care Bill of Rights. She was a 2022 Outstanding Young Leader. Kristianna is also an alumna of FosterClub’s All-Star Interns, class of 2020. She is currently a National Foster Youth and Alumni Policy Council member as well as a co-trainer for the state of Idaho’s FIRST training program for foster parents. She engages wherever she can make an impact, both locally and nationally. Kristianna was in and out of foster care, kin/fictive kin care, and respite care growing up and spent about three years overall in the system. She is now a foster parent herself and has taken in and supported her other siblings when needed. Kristianna is driven by the belief that we are all one supportive person away from achieving stability and success, and she wants to be that person to her siblings and peers in the foster care community.